What does the criticism of renewable energy overlook?The article by one of my favorite authors “When Renewables Meet Their Limits to Growth” presents a critical perspective on renewable energy…Jan 27Jan 27
How Interest Rates Are Hurting Our PlanetProhibiting interest would automatically solve most contemporary problems. Although there are many articles on the subject, shortly:Dec 3, 2024Dec 3, 2024
“The incident” with the A-50 and Il-22M planes over the Sea of Azov is analogous to the destruction……in terms of complex damage.Jan 16, 2024Jan 16, 2024
To defeat the system, you need to go beyond itUkraine fall into feudalism. Is there any solution?Dec 30, 20231Dec 30, 20231
In the trenches in the Donbas, infantrymen face unrelenting horrors, from missiles to grenades to…For the first time, I see that a foreign journalist — Luke Mogelson from the New Yorker magazine — was not only at the front and talked…Jun 12, 2023Jun 12, 2023
We had a beautiful, soft spring in UkraineAnd although the war continues, the situation gives plenty of reasons for optimism.Jun 4, 2023Jun 4, 2023
Capitalism does not create innovationsMariana Mazzucato was the first to debunk the myth about the role of private business in creating an innovative economy.Mar 23, 20235Mar 23, 20235
Was it really possible to prevent Ukraine-Russian war (for the US and Europe)?Some of the claims being made by some bloggers on Medium definitely need to be refuted.Feb 23, 20237Feb 23, 20237
Ukraine: Current crisis and war questioning all values that once seemed immutableDear friend,Dec 22, 20222Dec 22, 20222
More than a country is at stakeI can’t help but share a great article that exposes harmful narratives about the war in Ukraine.Nov 15, 2022Nov 15, 2022